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发布时间:2014-9-2 11:50:39 阅读:1276

内容摘要:海员的善举:8月12日,“ MT Bonita”号上的船员一周前在地中海成功营救了180名移民,8月12日又营救了360名移民,这些人大都来自巴勒斯坦,叙利亚和伊拉克;近日“MSC Vanessa”号船长和船员为被索马里海盗关押了3年半的一名海员筹集了1650美元。


第一件善举就是“ MT Bonita”号上的船员在地中海海域成功营救了540名移民。就在一周前,他们在公海营救了360名移民。充分了显示了他们的热心肠和善心。8月12日星期二,“ MT Bonita”号上的船员再次参与了另一救援行动,这一次他们从另一艘正在海上漂流的小船上救起了180名乘客,包括来自巴勒斯坦,叙利亚和伊拉克的男女老少,他们是为了逃离本国的暴力冲突才冒险选择移民。这并不是全球海员第一次在海上营救遇险人员,而此事件比较特别的是此次被救援的人员人数众多,而且他们都是非法移民者。

第二例善举就是在“MSC Vanessa”号船长和船员的齐心协力下,帮助了一名被索马里海盗关押了3年半的一名海员。一名印度船长Sukhvinder Bhamra当时正在驾驶着“MSC Vanessa”号在海上航行,收到了来自印度海员工会(NUSI)的 Abdul Gani Serang 先生发来的一封邮件,邮件内容是关于最近被海盗释放的“ MV Albedo ”的船员Aman Sharma所面临的困境。

Sukhvinder Bhamra船长和船员立即筹集了资金,当募捐结束时,Bhamra船长呼叫了 Sharma先生,并告诉他,他们将为他筹集约10万印度卢比(折合1650美元),来帮助他未来短期内的生活开销。 Sharma先生已经收到了首份筹集资金:3万印度卢比(折合500美元)。海盗人道主义组织(MPHRP)也在继续为“ MV Albedo ”号的船员提供资助和支持,我们不能忘记仍然被索马里海盗劫持的38名海员和渔民。


Extraordinary Acts of Kindness by Seafarers

Over the past couple of weeks there have been two acts of extraordinary kindness and humanity by seafarers serving on the high seas. The lives of seafarers are hidden from the world's general public who largely are ignorant of the fact that seafarers are responsible for carrying 90% of the world's trade. These two selfless deeds need to brought to the attention of a wider audience by the worldwide maritime community.

The first act was the rescuing of 540 people in the Mediterranean by the crew of the MT Bonita. Just over a week ago they saved 360 migrants at sea and showed them great hospitality. On Tuesday, 12th August, the crew again assisted in another rescue operation. This time they picked up 180 people from a boat that was adrift in the open sea. The men, women and children were Palestinians, Syrians and Iraqis fleeing from conflict in the region. This is not an isolated example as seafarers around the world often rescue people at sea. What was different was the number of people involved and that they were migrants.

The second act was the collection organised by the master and crew of the MSC Vanessa for a seafarer who had been held for over three and half years by Somali pirates. An Indian Master, Capt Sukhvinder Bhamra, was sailing onboard when he received an email from Mr Abdul Gani Serang of the National Union of Seafarers of India (NUSI) on the hardships faced by Mr Aman Sharma, recently released from captivity after being held as part of the MV Albedo crew.

The Master and his crew started to collect money amongst the crew members of the ship. When he signed off, Capt Bhamra called Mr Sharma and informed him that he will try to collect about INR100,000 (USD1,650) from his ship's crew and will help him in the coming days. Mr Sharma has since received the first of this support: INR30,000 (USD500). The Maritime Piracy Humanitarian Response Programme (MPHRP) continues to support the freed crew of the MV Albedo. We must not forget the thirty eight seafarers and fishers still being held by pirates in Somalia.

Seafarers have tough and, often, dangerous lives. We all owe them a debt of gratitude for their role in ensuring that we can all live our everyday lives with fuel, food, and cars.
